DSC14 – Mod 4 Speed and Agility Development for Sport

Module Summary

This module covers the all the various elements of speed and agility development. It defines the many aspects that come under the speed and agility umbrella, shows how to develop each element and demonstrates the relevance of each element to various sports. It gives sample session plans, presents the principles of speed and examines the importance of enhancing neural activation and muscle power development to make athletes and players faster.

Module 4b

Module Overview

This course is designed to give managers, coaches, trainers and players of individual and team sports a fresh approach to both speed and agility training and development.

Most field games or sports activities are games of skill and speed. More importantly they are games of skill which are played at speed. In modern field sports, players have to be able to accelerate quickly, change direction instantly, stop suddenly while at the same time controlling ball or trying to regain possession of the ball. They need to execute movements that are fast and the activities that are both skilful and powerful.

Understanding how to develop speed and agility is important to coaches and managers in preparing individuals and teams for all sports. The important issue is that speed training for field and team sports is different to that required even by the 100m Olympic athlete. During this course we will try to examine all the elements of speed training and identify the principle elements for the field sport player and for other individual athletes. We also look at the Principles of speed – the guidelines to follow to ensure players become faster over the course of the training programme.

This module examines how the Principles of Training are applied to the development of speed and agility. It also presents some discussion on improving reaction and starting ability as well as addressing the important issue of acceleration and deceleration speed and the movement mechanics that underpin both of these key elements of speed.

The module also differentiates between the concept of linear and agility speed and their relevance to field and court sports athletes. It ends by giving sample speed sessions appropriate to a range of sports.

Module Topics

The following topics are covered in this module:

  • Topic 1: Introduction to the Module

In this topic the module in introduces and the aims, objectives and module content is presented to the learners,

  • Topic 2: Defining Speed and Agility

In topic 2 we examine what speed and agility are. It looks at the demands and specificity of speed for various sports. It presents two approaches to understanding speed and quickly reflects on the issue of genetics and speed.

  • Topic 3: The Elements of Speed

Speed is made up of many elements and in this topic we examine a wide range of elements in 4 general groups – Mental speed, General speed, Agility speed and Skill speed and we discuss how each affects various sports an dhow each can be developed.

  • Topic 4: Force, Contact Time, Direction and Speed

In this interesting topic we examine how force propels the athlete or player forward. However we also examine the importance of the direction that this force must be applied to get the fastest running speed. The topic presents how to develop the ability to generate good sprinting force. Also we look at how limited foot contact time can be developed.

  • Topic 5: Speed and the Principles of Training

In Module 1 the course presented the Principles of Training. In this topic we look at how these principles are applied to the development of speed and agility in the training session and programme.

  • Topic 6: Theory and Practice of Speed Development

In this topic learners are introduced to 3 general general modes for speed development – the primary mode being the work that can be done on sprinting and technique development. the second mode being the use of assisted and resisted speed training methods. the final mode being the additional work that provides the basis for speed enhancement such as power training in its many forms,

  • Topic 7; The Principles of Speed Training

In this very practical topic the learner is introduce to the rules that apply when conducting a speed training session or including speed training in a general fitness or skill session.

  • Topic 8: Training Recognition, Reaction and Starting Speed

This topic examines the issue relating to recognition of stimuli in sport and how the person reacts to them. It also examines the important role both concepts play in sport and ends with some ideas on how to improve both aspects as well as starting ability in athletes or players.

  • Topic 9: Anticipation and Decision Making Speed

This topic examines the important role played by developing the ability of players (in field and court sports) to anticipate what is going to happen in play patterns. It also examines how we can imporve players’ ability to make decisions quicker.

  • Topic 10: Training Acceleration and Deceleration Speed

This topic examines the important role played by acceleration and deceleration in many sports but especially in field and court sports.. It also examines the importance of both acceleration  and deceleration and finally presents ideas on how best to develop these abilities in athletes or players

  • Topic 11: Maximum Speed

This topic examines what maximum speed is, how it can be developed and how coaches can train athletes and players to improve their maximum speed.

  • Topic 12: Training Agility Speed

This topics looks at agility speed which can be seen as the ability to change direction, change pace or to change footwork patters very quickly and efficiently. It also looks at ways to help the coach develop agility speed in their athletes and players.

  • Topic 13: Sample Speed and Agility Sessions.

In this final topic we present some sample speed session for various phases of the training porgramme.

Module Duration

This module is the equivalent of 30 hours of college lectures and the corresponding time spent understanding, absorbing and using the content practically through study and one’s coaching practice. All students are enrolled for 60 days but the actual time spent completing the module make take much less time for some coaches.

Module Information

This course is delivered in modular format. As soon as you gain entry to the course all the course content is accessible.

The course will contain a series of topics. We encourage participants to study them in the order presented. Course Assessment must be attempted before the final 5 days of enrolment. Assessment for the course is by MCQ. This MCQ contains 20 questions. It is alos an openbook assessement. Each question will have 4 possible answers. Some questions will have more than one correct answer.

Advice for Participants

A MCQ can only be attempted ONCE. It is your responsibility to ensure that mobile phones are turned-off and you should seek to be alone for the duration of the MCQ. The MCQ for this course can take up to 45 minutes. In the case of failing an MCQ arrangements will be made to allow a second attempt.

As soon as you have submitted the Course MCQ, you are asked to email admin@premiercollege.com to let us know that you have completed the course.

Course Enrolment Details

Each participant is enrolled for 60 days and are given this period in which to complete the course and the end of course assessment.

Emails will be sent automatically to participants with the final 15 days of the course to remind them to complete the course or to ask for an extension.

If one has problems with completing the course in 60 days, they are asked to email admin@premiersportscollege.com for an extension. The request must arrive before the 5th last day of enrolment.

Module Fees

Fee for DSC14 – Mod 4 Speed and Agility Development for Sport: $110.00
Or Pay for full course
Fee for DSC1 – International Diploma In Strength and Conditioning: $950.00

Purchasing Information

Please go to the college home page and on the top right hand corner ensure you select your correct location as this will give one the choice of paying by Euro, Sterling or Dollar. This course can be purchased module by module (€99.00 per module)  or the full course can be purchased for €850.00. To purchase the course in full go and click here

For those who wish to purchase this course or module purchasing is done via PayPal and therefore all transactions remain privae and confidential to the client/student.

Pay and Enrol

Fee for DSC14 – Mod 4 Speed and Agility Development for Sport: $110.00
Or Pay for full course
Fee for DSC1 – International Diploma In Strength and Conditioning: $950.00